1. Love

    My husband and I met five years ago. We had been dating for about a month when I brought him home to meet my parents. Seeing our huge yard, he exclaimed: “Here you need to work all your life!”.
    And then he sent me and my girlfriend for two weeks at sea. When I returned, I did not recognize my yard. There is a wonderful fountain in front of the house. Seeing my surprise, the groom said: “This is in honor of our engagement!”. I agreed without hesitation: golden hands are rare these days. Soon we had a daughter, our pride, Varvarushka. And my husband still continues to delight me with his inventions.

    How to make your own hands a homemade spring fountain on the site

  2. Guest of the site "With Your Own Hands"

    Possible without a reservoir

    I marked and dug a hole 5-10 cm below the level of the future fountain to ensure uninterrupted water circulation. He poured a layer of sand on the bottom of the pit and spread a waterproof film, after which he set a metal cross, which serves as the basis for the stones, according to the level. I laid a stainless steel mesh on the cross, protecting the container from gravel. I lowered the pump into the water tank and connected it to the nozzle with a hose.

  3. Nadezhda Ignatieva FEAR.

    Do-it-yourself stone flower fountain
    I dug a hole, buried the wheel from the tractor by about 50-60 centimeters. I cut one side with a knife: by the way, it cuts well. And the hole from the disk was concreted by inserting a pipe into it. Overlaid the wheel with natural stone. I put a flower pot on top of the pipe, and on a small pipe where water passes, I put a device for picking fruits. It turned out the fountain "Stone Flower". Installed the engine "Brook". He pours water, and it gurgles.
    In our pond-fountain, a white lily grows and goldfish lives. And it is located on a flower bed, under a thuja. Around the pond there are flowers - astilba, cochia, ostrich feather fern, irises. When you work, it's so good to sit, relax, listen to the calm murmur of water!

    How to make your own hands a homemade spring fountain on the site

  4. Yu. L. Bessonova. Kaluga

    Making a fountain with your own hands in the country is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Any man who knows how to hold a tool and has some understanding of the laws of physics can handle this. After all, the principle of operation of the fountain is based on the usual circulation of water, which moves from the tank to the pump, from the pump to the spray nozzle and back to the tank.
    So first of all we need a reservoir, preferably a large one, for example, a pond. In extreme cases, an ordinary barrel of water dug into the ground will also do, only the fountain will turn out to be weak, and the water will have to be changed so that it does not stagnate. Therefore, it is better not to be too lazy and dig a pond, level the walls and bottom, cover it with a special film, which is now sold everywhere, and fill it with water.
    The next step is the pump. Use the cheapest available on the market, you can even "second-hand". Just remember that for a small fountain, a submerged pump will do, and for a large one, it must be on the surface.

    The height of the water jet in the fountain depends on the pressure, that is, on the pump, and its geometry depends on the spray nozzles and their location. With the help of nozzles, you can create murmuring jets, a water bell, a column. You can make your own, but it's easier to buy.


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