
  1. Guest of the site "With Your Own Hands"

    Pocket for combs do it yourself

    Before throwing out old jeans, ripped off the back pockets. Of them turned out to be a convenient organizer for combs and trifles.
    From cotton fabric with polka dots I cut out two rectangles of the right size (in my case, taking into account the size of the hanger). Stitched to one of them on the front side of the pocket 4 jeans.
    She folded the details of the base inside out and stitched along three sides without stitching along the upper cut. I turned the blank through it.
    I carved 6 rectangles of approximately 10 × 5 cm. I folded them in pairs with the front sides inward and sewed it to the genuine sides. Turned out. Got 3 blanks for pendants. I stitched each one for one short edge to the back side of the organizer base, bending it a little inward.
    Inserted into the base itself as a substrate dense oilcloth by the size of a rectangle (it is possible to use a synthetic winterizer or cardboard) so that the product does not sag.
    She bent the upper unwired edge inward, fixed it with tailors' pins. I hung the hangers into the hanger-hanger, and then inserted them into the upper edge of the base pocket and stitched them, aligning the planed sections.
    It turned out a pocket for combs or other small things that can be hung in a closet or on a wall. I located my in the hallway under the mirror. Very comfortably!

    Elena Zueva, Kargopol
    Arkhangelsk region



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