1. Petr Sidnev, Tula

    I deal with all the pests that are active in my garden in the summer with the help of tobacco dust. But for it to have an effect, it must be applied correctly.

    Tobacco dust contains up to 1% nicotine; it is this substance that pests do not like. To pollinate crops of radishes, carrots and cabbage seedlings from vegetable flies and cruciferous flea beetles, I try to buy not just tobacco dust, but already mixed with ash. This drug is called Tabazol and is a reddish, lumpy, dust-free powder that can be easily taken with a pinch of fingers and is convenient to apply to the leaves. To combat onion flies, I sprinkle powder between the rows in the onion beds.
    For spraying against aphids, copperheads and small caterpillars, a decoction of tobacco dust is more effective. I prepare it like this: pour half a glass of tobacco dust into 1 liter of water and boil for half an hour, adding water to the original level; then I leave it to brew for another day, after which I filter it and dilute it with water 1:2. In order for the decoction to better adhere to the leaves during spraying, I add 10 g of liquid soap to it.
    To spray fruit trees and cabbage against ticks, copperheads, aphids and young caterpillars, I usually prepare an infusion.

    To do this, I mix one glass of wood ash and tobacco dust (you can take 2 glasses of Tabazol), pour in 1 liter of hot water and leave for 10 hours. I filter the resulting infusion and pour it into a 2-liter bucket, adding XNUMX tbsp. spoons of liquid soap, add water to the full volume, and then spray the plants (necessarily in dry weather).

  2. Svetlana Poretskaya

    In my area, I try to use biological products that are safe for humans and animals in the fight against pests and diseases.
    Well-established tobacco dust. I use it not only to protect plants from pests, but also bring it as fertilizer during spring digging: up to 100 g / sq.m.
    To prepare a decoction in the fight against insects, I take half a glass of tobacco dust and pour a liter of water.
    Boil the contents for about 30 minutes.
    So that the amount of liquid remains in the same volume, when boiling, add it to the original mark. I leave the ready-made broth for a day in a dark place.

    Then filter and add 2 liters of water. In a container with liquid, add a piece of laundry soap grated on a fine grater 10-15 g). I spray the plants with a ready miracle remedy two to three times a month. Such a natural insecticide helps me cope with aphids, ants and other harmful insects. Sometimes I use tobacco dust in a dry form: I pollinate it with plants at the rate of 50 g / sq.m.


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